There are certain periods that Neofinetias are best repotted, namely spring (March) and late summer (August) as these are when...
Every now and then, we all have growing tips for Neofinetias that we discover are so dramatic, we need to...
There is a story to every beginning. I started groing Neofinetias by fluke! Eventhough I had a few before, I...
There are so many varieties of Neofinetias, more than 2000 varieties are named and about 400 in the Meikan chart....
There are many moments in my Neofinetia adventure that I have heard many myths and information on Neos that I...
Interesting that neofinetias are the only ones with radiant ruby root tip colours. Anyone ecer see them in real life...
Everyone is an individual. Each person has their own tastes in art and beauty. With that, each of us has...